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Configuring a standard activity type


  • Access to the Configuration > Standard activity type (MA048) menu.



A standard activity type is the record responsible for classifying and gathering the main configurations of standard activities in the system. For this reason, it is import to configure the type considering the standard activities that will be created from it.

To add maintenances, calibrations, and verifications, going through the standard activity creation step is mandatory.


In this article, as an example, a standard activity type will be created and used to configure corrective maintenance for a machine.


Configuring a standard activity type

1. Access the Configuration > Standard activity type (MA048) menu.

2. Click on the toolbar button.

3. On the screen that will open, enter an ID # and a name for the standard activity type.

4. Fill in the Upper level type field in order for the type being created to be the subtype of another type.

5. Click on the button to enable the other tabs.

6. In the Attribute tab, associate the attributes that must be filled out in the standard activities of this type. For further details, click here.

7. In the Timesheet tab, associate the attributes that must be shown on the timesheets of the activities of this type. For further details, click here.

8. In the Type security tab, define whether the controls of this type will be restricted or public.



The standard activity type is ready to be used in the creation of a standard activity! Go to the next flow step.

The main flow of this article is meant for the creation of a corrective maintenance, but the type can be used to create standard activities of any maintenance, calibration, and verification type. Use the type to create the desired standard activity:

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